Hot spring

Feel like a day trip to a hot spring

Enjoy a day trip to Hanamaki Onsen at Hotel Hanamaki, Hotel Koyokan, or Hotel Senshukaku.
In the basement of Hotel Hanamaki, there are four private hot spring baths and a public bath called "Horai-yu."
If you dine in the hotel, you can enjoy discounted access to the hot spring facilities.

In the public bath
Enjoy a day trip to a hot spring

Image: Large bath
Image: Large bath from another angle

User guide

Take a relaxing day trip to the hot springs of your choice, such as open-air baths, pot baths, and cascading hot springs.
Hanamaki Onsen uses a circulation filtration method to maintain clean water, allowing many customers to enjoy a safe and secure hot spring experience.
Each public bath also has a large sauna and cold bath.

For details on hot springs

Save on bath fees by eating at the hotel!

Usage fee 1,000 yen per person/adult (tax included)/
Elementary school student 500 yen (tax included)
Bathing coupon 5-time ticket 4,500 yen (tax included) /
10-time ticket 8,500 yen (tax included)
*Valid for 6 months
Usage time Chiaki no Yu, Autumn Leaves /
8:00-10:00, 12:00-21:00
Hanamaki no Yu /
8:00-12:00, 14:00-21:00
  • *You can only take a bath in one building.
  • *Please note that the facility may not be available for inspection or work, so please contact us in advance.


It's OK to stop by and come empty-handed!
We rent and sell towels.

  • Face towel sales 200 yen
    (tax included)

  • Bath towel rental 300 yen
    (tax included)

In a private bath
Enjoy a day trip to a hot spring

Private hot spring bath
Hot spring private bath another angle

Private hot spring bath

In December 2022, 4 new private hot spring baths will be installed at Hotel Hanamaki. Stretch your legs and relax in the Shigaraki ware bathtub while looking out at the nature-themed garden inside Hanamaki Onsen Park.
We provide bath towels and face towels, so feel free to use them empty-handed.

Save on bath fees by eating at the hotel!

Usage fee 2,800 yen (tax included)
*A separate bathing fee is required.
Adults 1,000 yen (tax included), elementary school students 500 yen (tax included) per person
Usage time 6:30-23:00 (bathing time 45 minutes)
*Last reception 22:15
venue Hotel Hanamaki B1F "Hot spring private bath"
*Customers should come to the Horaiyu reception on the same floor.

Available upon reservation

Hanamaki Onsen General Reservation CenterTEL. +81-198-37-2111 / 9:00 ~ 19:00
Click here to make a reservation for the Jalan play experience

  • *There is a step, so please use the handrail when entering the bathtub.
    Step: Approx. 20cm Bathtub height: Approx. 50cm
  • *Customers with reservations will be given priority. Please inquire in advance for availability.
  • *Times may change due to cleaning etc.
Image: Foot bath/hand bath

Foot bath/
hand bath


A free-flowing footbath and handbath that you can enjoy for free.
The convenience of being able to enjoy hot springs with your clothes on is popular.
Located across from the hot spring bakery, we recommend enjoying a relaxing footbath while eating the famous Hanamaki Onsen Anpan.

Usage time 6:00~18:00
*Summer until 21:00, winter CLOSE
Usage fee free
Towel sales Face towel sales 200 yen (tax included)
(Hotel Senshukaku Front/Hot Spring Bakery)

*It may not be available for inspection or work.

Image: Houraiyu


A bathhouse with a hot spring atmosphere that is loved by locals.
The entrance to Horaiyu is not at the front entrance of Hotel Hanamaki, but at the back of the hotel, on the road to Dai Onsen.

  • *You can only take a bath in Horaiyu.
  • *Amenities include body soap only.
Usage time 6:30~21:00
*Tuesdays only 14:00-21:00
Usage fee Adult / 480 yen (tax included)
Children / 6 to under 12 years old 170 yen (tax included)
3 to under 6 years old: 80 yen (tax included)

*It may not be available for inspection or work.

Image: Enjoy a day trip to the hot springs! Recommended sightseeing spots