
Recommended plan

[A great gift for your children or grandchildren] Includes a stuffed toy of the official Hanamaki Onsen character, "Fukuro" ★ Enjoy a buffet at the venue

Our most popular original goods★Also perfect as a gift for your children or grandchildren!
A special plan where you can receive a < Fukuro Toy>, which is popular for its perfectly round shape and fluffy texture.
Enjoy time in the hot springs with your family, as a couple, or with a group of friends!

☆★ Fukuro Special★☆
・Fukuro Toy (usually 2,960 yen)
・Mini Fukuro Toy (normally 980 yen)
One set per group will be given as a gift.

Accommodation period: All year round
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Hotel Koyokan

Hotel Senshukaku

Hotel Hanamaki