staff blog

staff report Hanamaki Onsen Garden

Why not try making a wish at Hanamaki Onsen Inari Shrine?

Hanamaki Onsen Inari Shrine is said to bring good fortune in financial luck, business prosperity, family safety, and traffic safety.
Would you like to try "Negai Musubi" (wish tying)?

The orange building next to the torii gate is the landmark.
Please write your wish and name on the paper of your choice and tie it to the pine tree behind you while making your wish.

The four colours of paper are : yellow for financial luck , blue for business prosperity , pink for safety in the home , and green for road safety , so please choose one that suits your wish.
Anyone who visits the temple can use it free of charge.

Why not make a wish at Inari Shrine, which has watched over the development of Hanamaki Onsen since its founding?
Please stop by when you visit Hanamaki Onsen.